Our Work

The main video for the CT Hills web is an overview of the process and what the farmers do to get the best quality tea. The real story behind the process of tea making, capturing the people and their day to day life.
Also few short videos profiling the lives of few famers and what they do to harvest the best quality leaf and what sort of a role the company plays in their lives.
Another video covers the production facilities, the factories, farmers, the efforts taken by the company to produce the best tea and the sustainable initiatives taken by the company for the farmers.
We had more facetime with the client to ensure that we knew exactly what the client visualised. The next stage is our personal favourite; the concept building and storyboarding, which give us room to flex our creativity and develop a unique and beautiful storyline for the shoot. Once we were past the pre-production stages, the real task of filming began. Over the course of 3 days, our five-man crew captured the unique real-life stories of the people involved in harvesting and producing some of the finest teas for the Southern Groups tea factories which is located in Deniyaya, Sri Lanka. Over the duration of the shoot, we got acquainted with the staff and the locals involved in the operations. As our primary focus was to capture the real-life stories of the farmers who supplied tea leaves to Southern Group tea factories since 1992, a close acquaintance with these people allowed us to really understand their way of life which influenced our storytelling. With a ton of raw footage, the editors of Sense Imagery had a field day editing the master. The many shots we captured during the shoot gave our editors a lot of room to experiment with different colours and transitions that gave the feel for the final outputs. The stills we captured were also put in the mill to produce some visually stunning imagery.
The CT shoot was a great overall production. Our client was much contented with the output and so were we. The film captured the essence of the people surrounding the tea industry and the passion our client puts for the production of some of the finest Ceylon teas.